March 23, 2014

Blue flower centre bracelet

My latest work! 
Loads and loads of seed beads. This time really the beads and their colours were the inspiration. 
I had bought some seed beads from an internet shop, but as the colours in real light can be slightly different I did not know what to expect. Well the blue was exactly what I wanted, perfect match for the rainbow finish red.
And I had these czech beads before, just seven. 
Had a lot of fun designing and making the bracelet as it is.
So here it how it started.

And how it turned out! 

Ahjusoe kui nii võib öelda!
Sadu ja sadu helmeid. Seekord olid tõesti helmed ja nende värvid need, mis mind inspireerisid. Ma ostsin natuke helmeid internetipoest, kuid kunagi ei või täpselt teada, mis on see õige värv, enne kui kätte saan. Sinised pisikesed helmed olid täpselt sellist värvi nagu tahtsin, et anda vikerkaare läikega punasele kontrasti.
Ja kunagisest ammusest ajast olid mul veel järgi seitse sinist tsehhi helmest.
Tõeliselt nautisin disainimist ja käekee tegemist.
Pilte tööprotsessist ja valmis käekeest.

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