July 24, 2013

Crochet blanket in progress

I was surfing around internet and got this mad idea to make a crochet blanket and that from little hexagons. Well I had little yarn leftovers from my yellow pullover, so I started right away. Then I travelled to Estonia and got some other colours as well, and in Karnaluks shop you can get crazy with all the yarns. But I needed to stick with my idea and took only yarns for that. Also visiting my sister I could not take any other project instructions because I want to really finish this one! So there were temptations :D but I overcomed them and now back at home - crocheting.

Internetis surfates sain ma sellise hullu idee endale heegeldatud tekk teha ja seda väikestest kuusnurkadest. Mul oli natuke kollase lõnga jääki oma pulloverist, seega sain kohe peale hakata. Siis tuli vahele Eesti reis, kus ma täiendasin oma lõngavarusid, Karnaluksi kaupluses võib lõngadega hulluks minna, kuid ma pidasin silmas vaid oma hetke projekti ja võtsin lõngu vaid selleks. Samuti õde külastades ei tahtnud ma ühtegi teist õpetust kaasa võtta, muidu jääb veel pooleli! Nii et oli ahvatlusi :D kuid ma ületasin nad ja nüüd kodus - heegeldamas.

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