January 13, 2021

Natural soaps, solid shampoos and healing balms

 I am not quite sure from where to start so I just start.

I started to make cold process soaps, solid shampoos, and some healing balms and lip balms.

Already more than a year I have not used commercial shower gels, I have used soaps, and I have to say they last a lot of time. So they are better for the skin and lot more cheaper! 

To have the full benefits of the soap it is good to cover with yourself with the lather and not get it immediately washed off with water, the key word is enjoy! Its a good time for yourself! 

And then I started to be very intrigied by doing my own shampoos, for all the good reasons - no chemicals, no parabens, no sulfates, I know exactly what I am putting into it, so I know exactly what I am getting my body to absorve. Also lots of plastic waste is saved. Good for me and for the planet, what can be better! 

Now I have used only my made solid shampoo over a month now and what I have to say is, I like it! Of course at first it feels different, it will not react and give the same feeling as the commercial liquid shampoos with all the chemicals in it. If now to explain what I felt, is that it made the hair not so silky while wet, but once dried it feels nice. And it makes the hair more soft and light, so it appears I have more hair, or maybe that this is the feeling of healthy hair. 

If you have started to care about what products you put on yourself, then I recommend to try solid natural shampoos out. I really like the smell of the lemon grass as well. I did a patch of lavender as well which I like and is not that feminine, that said my husband uses that one.

Also I did healing balms for Christmas presents, and for myself, the patch is all out, but I am up for orders. 

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